What Is the Meaning of an Essay writing Assignment?

What Does an Essay Entail?

What does an essay entail? An essay is a piece of writing that a student writes to address a topic. The topic varies depending on the nature of the essay. An essay requires a writer to research a given topic and present an argument on the subject. There are different formats of essays, including but not limited to:

  • Descriptive essays
  • Narrative essays
  • Argumentative essays
  • Persuasive essays

Each essay has a start and end. The gist is to give a reader a glimpse of what the essay is about before engaging them to read on. An argumentative essay involves stating facts on a reader’s face to persuade them to continue reading after assessing a report. An argumentative essay is not too different from a persuasive essay. It involves giving evidence on both sides of a subject and evaluating the validity of the information given. Presenting both sides of a topic is essential in essay writing.

Structure of an Essay

The essay begins with an introduction to the writer. It consists of the following sections:


It is the first paragraph the reader will come across when reading your essay. It is a guide to https://proessayswriting.com/ help the reader comprehend what the essay is about. A good introduction paragraph should have a hook, a thesis statement, and a topic sentence. The thesis should be part of the introduction.

Body Paragraphs

This section comprises of 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should address a particular point in its paragraph. The first paragraph should present a new idea or opinion. A paragraph should have a topic sentence that captures the argument of the paragraph. The second paragraph should present https://www.csuchico.edu/apr/_assets/documents/nsc/chem-acs-2018-periodic-review-report.pdf evidence on the topic and justify the issue further. The https://www.memphis.edu/history/herc/writing_center_forms/herc_writing_resources.docx last paragraph in the body should be a conclusion that sums up the points in the paragraph. The concluding paragraph should make it easy for the reader to transition to the next point in the paper.


The conclusion of the essay should include a call to action. It should encourage the reader to read on. A conclusion paragraph should leave the reader with a sense of closure. A topic sentence captures the idea of the previous paragraph and acts as a transition.

Tips on How to Write an Essay Assignment

If you cannot seem to find relevant sources to support your claims, it may be time to consider hiring an expert to guide you. Here are essential techniques to consider:


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